During the Spanish Civil War, many fled Franco’s regime. Among them were three of my great-aunts, who found refuge in Mexico City, working as seamstresses for wealthy families. As a child, I would visit them and sit, captivated, as they shared stories about Mexico, its vibrant culture, and its sacred rituals. While others in my family dismissed them as witches or eccentrics, I felt deeply connected to them. I promised myself that one day I would live in Mexico.

That dream eventually came true. I spent six incredible months in Mexico, and from the moment I arrived, it felt like my soul had found its home. I traveled across the country, meeting shamans, healers, medicine women, and wise elders. Each encounter felt like stepping into a world where I truly belonged. I learned their rituals, songs, recipes, and dances, and for the first time in my life, I felt a profound sense of joy and wholeness.

During my final month in Mexico, I was blessed to share this journey with María, my dearest friend and soul sister. Together, we explored the heart of a culture that honors its ancient traditions and feels a deep connection to the divine through nature and its sacred plants—especially cacao, the food of the gods!

For years, María and I have dedicated ourselves to energy therapies, helping people find balance and well-being. Today, we’ve joined forces to create the Cacao School, where we blend the wisdom of ancient cacao rituals with modern practices.

Through the school, we host ceremonies and train future facilitators, spreading the magic of cacao to more hearts. Each ceremony is a unique act of creativity and intuition, opening the hearts of those drawn to the spirit of cacao.

Desde aquí, realizamos ceremonias y formamos a futuros facilitadores, permitiendo que la magia del cacao toque más corazones. Cada ceremonia es un acto de intuición y creatividad, abriendo los corazones a quienes son llamados por el espíritu del cacao.

This call is gentle—like a soft whisper. It’s not loud or dramatic, but instead, a quiet knowing that draws you closer to cacao. If you feel this call, we’re here, waiting with open arms to welcome you.




María Socastro


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